I saw this line on skin food website just a day or two before i submitted my pre order list. I was almost confirmed, but then i thought, ok, let's check skin food website for the las time, and taraaa...!! they were new products at that time. I was like wow, skin food face mist. this is new!! i need face mist, and replaced my order for face shop mist with this.
I doubted this line at first time. First, their packaging is not eye catchy, not like other skin food products. Second, the line is not complete. I mean, they have varians of vita a, vita b, vita c, but only mist and cream. no serum, no emulsion, no toner. I mean, look at avocado skincare line. toner-essence I -essence II-emulsion-eye balm-cream-lip balm..now even they have the essential oil-multi balm.wow.
while this one, it is like they are not serious about it.. (ngga niat gitu) haha..but i bought them anyway.. i thought, for back up, just in case my fresh juice line and peach sake line finish before i come back to jakarta. who know that... they turn out great and in fact saved me from the hard time,very bad dry-winter season.
The creamfrom skin food website :
[Vita C Complex Story] This complex delivers revitalizing hydration with effective ingredients from vitamin C-enriched berries-Rasberry, acai berry, cranberry, and strawberry.
[Alaska Glacier Water Story] Alaska is on initial source of water covered with over 20,000-year-old glaciers. Alaska glacier water is fresh water at mildly alkaline pH, enriched with oxygen, minerals and ions.
*To Use
Use after mist or essence application. Apply an ample amount onto the face and pat gently until the cream is absorbed completely.
Refrigerate before use to enjoy a cooling skin treatment. When you experience unusual exhaustion and stress, apply liberally and use it as a hydrating mask pack.
my review :
the cream is gel-type, and easily absorbs. as i mentioned before, i bought this for back up. but then there was this time when my skin became so dry.. well, it was winter, very very dry here in yemen. emulsion or lotion will not be enough. you must use cream day and night!! and then.. i saw dry flakes.. and even though i put my skin food fresh juice c cream, after 2 hours or so my face already dry and it was realllly bad..
so i decided to open this cream.
i was surprise, it worked!! it worked reallly good. this cream in fact worked like magic. my face kept moisturized and no more dry flakes.. even when there was this time when my face became extra dry, irritated, sting when i put toner, and as i read on their website to put this cream in the fridge for cooling skin treatment, i did, and yes, it worked to cool down my face that felt burning at that time.
so i set aside my fresh juice line and continue using this cream for the rest of the winter. since there is no vita c cream toner, i spray the mist instead toner before apply this cream, and it was even better. no toner, no serum, no emulsion, just this mist and cream, and it worked great!!
Facial mist
[Vita C Complex Story] This complex delivers revitalizing hydration with effective ingredients from vitamin C-enriched berries-Rasberry, acai berry, cranberry, and strawberry.
[Alaska Glacier Water Story] Alaska is on initial source of water covered with over 20,000-year-old glaciers. Alaska glacier water is fresh water at mildly alkaline pH, enriched with oxygen, minerals and ions.
*To Use
Mist over face after washing or whenever skin feels dry. Refrigerate before use to enjoy a cooling skin treatment.
my review :
I like to use facial mist before make up and to carry around, to use everytime i need some refreshment. My fav facial mist that always in my purse before was mustika ratu green tea facial mist/spray. well, mustika ratu still my fav though, since it is much much cheaper. i just like to try new products so i bought this.
it is just like any other mist. well, what can you expect from facial mist anyway? it is just for refreshment and keep your skin hydrated.
this one smells nice, fresh-fruity scent, lovely one.i use this before make up, or in the middle of the day when it was hot outside, or whenever i feel my face dry, dull, and need some refreshment.
the bottle contain 145ml, which is quite big to carry around, so i bought this cute small bottle, and pour some of the mist into it.now this pink cute bottle always inside my purse.i don't have to carry the big bottle around.
TSF new line seems put ingredients list on their products.Oh,in roman character as well!They didn't do it in the past-__-....Aku pribadi lebih suka innisfree skrg drpd TSF..
ingridients list-nya "tersembunyi" di balik tulisan korea, peel it off, taraaaa..
aku juga next order lebih ke innisfree.. setelah coba green tea line nya, i think i will convert to innisfree. kamu pake innisfree yang mana?
lah,dulu malah ga ada ingredients listnya sama sekali tuh TSF!Webnya juga sama,ga genah gitu.
Aku pake yg olive(cleansing oil+lotion),teatree(cleansing gel),sama bb creams 2 biji.Menurutku sih pengawetnya innisfree,dan bahan2nya bisa dikategorikan lebih"aman"drpd TSF.Terutama produknya yg skrg(seri2 terbaru).Etude juga uda lbh bagus drpd TSF. Yah,kalo aku shopping online sih skrg aku liat ingredientsnya dulu di web/blog2,baru beli:)
you make me wanna try skin food now. What do you recommend from Innisfree?
i have tried only olive line, and they are goood!!
i put some other innisfree line for my next shopping..
olive line is good for normal to dry skin..
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